Can You Afford the Real Cost of Non-Compliance?

We understand that even the most successful dental offices can feel the financial squeeze that often just results from running a business. Whether it’s taxes, association fees, the price of property management, or, in this case, compliance, the costs of running a business can add up quickly.
That’s why DRNA delivers cost-saving solutions that keep you compliant without breaking the bank. Frankly, the cost of non-compliance far outweighs the expenditure associated with proper dental recycling products and procedures.
Learn more and find out how you can start taking advantage of these cost savings while staying compliant…
DRNA: Where Compliance Meets Savings
With DRNA, you can stay compliant while seriously saving on proper disposal and recycling of your office’s amalgam waste.
Not only will you save by avoiding the big box retail prices, but we’ve also eliminated the need for a middleman which cuts down on costs even further.
Why Compliance Matters with Respect to Amalgam Recycling
With all the considerations about compliance and its associated costs, we think it’s worth a reminder about why amalgam recycling is subject to EPA-backed regulations.
Consider the following facts about dental offices and mercury, as listed on the EPA’s Dental Effluent Guidelines webpage:
- Dental clinics are the main source of mercury discharges to POTWs (publicly owned treatment works)
- Approximately 103,000 U.S.-based dental offices use or remove amalgam and the wastewater ends up in POTWs
- Total mercury discharged by dentists annually amounts to approximately 5.1 tons into POTWs, the majority of which finds its way into the larger environment
Remember, mercury is a neurotoxin, which can cause damage to the immune system, kidneys, liver, lungs, and nervous system. In other words, we don’t want this in our bodies, or our fragile environment where anyone could suffer exposure, unknowingly.
Non-Compliance Will Cost You
The fact is failure to comply with the EPA’s Dental Effluent Guidelines, also known as the Amalgam Rule, can result in MAJOR fines as outlined by the Clean Water Act.
While some states, like New York, publish strict rules regarding the timing and frequency of recycling requirements, others are more vague.
For that reason, our team recommends annual recycling or as soon as your amalgam receptacle is full… and doing so couldn’t be easier with DRNA.
Simply contact David Piccone directly to take advantage of DRNA’s cost-savings compliance solutions!