DRI provides ADA members products that satisfy new environmental compliance regulations

ADA is eager to share an exciting announcement. Introducing our new alliance with DRI, a complete recycling/compliance solution company, which provides our members with FREE equipment (with a 3 or 5 year service agreement) to meet the upcoming regulations.

Who is DRI?

Dental Recycling International, Inc. (DRI) was founded to further new international opportunities outlined by the Minamata Convention, which calls for the eventual phase-out or reduction of mercury used in dental amalgam, along with strategies for safer storage and disposal.

Check out the complete list of requirements outlined here: DFFE Draft Mercury Regulations

What You Need to Know

DRI delivers a complete solution for the upcoming regulation, regarding the installation of amalgam separators in your dental practice.

By Signing Up, All
ADA Members Will

  • A FREE Amalgam Separator unit valued at AU2000 with a 3 or 5 year signed annual amalgam recycling service agreement
  • Special pricing for the amalgam recycling annual service if agreement signed by December 31st, 2023 inclusive of recycling and transportation.
  • Highly competitive pricing on annual amalgam recycling products and services
  • A FREE Sustainable Development CE course, part of an ongoing effort to support members with issues and concerns surrounding future regulatory and sustainable development

How Do I Get Started?

Getting started with DRI couldn’t be simpler.

  1. Sign up for the program using the form below by December 31st, 2023 to qualify for your FREE unit and introductory annual service contract pricing
Marc M. Sussman
ADA members can contact Marc M. Sussman directly by emailing mmsussman@dentalrecyclinginternational.com